Corporate Social Responsibility

MOGAS manages its business to ensure adherence to the law, ethical standards, and international norms.

However, as a responsible corporate citizen, we do much more than this and constantly look for opportunities to make a positive contribution to the society in which we work and live.

Beyond enriching the lives of MOGAS employees, we engage in environmental conservation programs that benefit future generations.

Furthermore, we intentionally include the interests of the communities within which we operate in our corporate decision-making processes.

Among the activities our CSR program has supported are:

Teso Femine

During the 2009 famine in the Teso region of Uganda, MOGAS contributed 100 bags (one tonne) of maize flour towards the famine relief effort.

We were privileged to be associated with the efforts that the Government of Uganda made towards mitigating the predicament of the people of Teso, which included the provision of 10.3 billion shillings to secure food for urgent distribution.

Road Safety Training

MOGAS recently conducted a unique safety training program in Kampala, Uganda to train motorcyclists locally known as BODABODAS to be more road-worthy. According to the local traffic police statistics at least 40% of the road accident victims involving BodaBoda cyclists are fatal.

During the same training, MOGAS also donated 150 reflector Jackets to the motorcyclists to aid their work since most of them work late into the night. MOGAS Uganda hopes to extend this initiative to cover 10,000 motorcycle riders ( BODA BODAs ) to promote the essence of a safer Uganda.

This gesture has made MOGAS Uganda become the first downstream oil marketing company in Uganda to have come forward to address a growing concern of accidents in the motorcycle segment in Uganda.