The health and safety of all stakeholders and care for the environment are among our top priorities. We aim at completely eliminating incidents that harm people or put our assets and the environment at risk.

To achieve this, everyone in our business is expected to take proactive and practical steps to prevent and eliminate risks by making the following commitments:


Our mission is to prevent fatalities, injury, ill health, and environment pollution. Everything we do is aimed at avoiding harm while enabling work activity to proceed in an environmentally friendly manner.


Health and Safety, Security, and Environment management are a high priority for MOGAS. We are committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and sustainable environment wherever we operate – for our people, our customers, our partners and contractors, and the community.


By implementing ISO management system standards, organizations can benefit from global management experience and good practices.

An effective management system mainly has the following benefits;

  • Increased customer satisfaction as services and products consistently deliver what they promise.
  • Proper guidelines and procedures
  • More efficient resources
  • Improved risk management, and
  • Pollution prevention

In 2010, MOGAS started implementing ISO 9001 Management System Standard on Quality and was certified against it in 2011, 2012, and 2013 for our operations in Uganda, Tanzania, and DR Congo respectively.

Towards the end of 2011, implementation of the Safety Management System Standard OHSAS 18001 kicked off for which certification was achieved in early 2012 for our MOGAS Uganda operations.

MOGAS Tanzania Limited started the implementation of OHSAS 18001 in October 2012.

Similarly, in a bid to protect and preserve the environment, MOGAS Uganda was certified for achievement of the Environment Management System Standard ISO 14001